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  • Writer's pictureLydia MacDavid

Shark In The Water- VV Brown

Hello everybody! Sorry for the late blog post but welcome back to another blog post of Lydia’s Girls. Thank you to those of you who take the time to read my post. I love reading your comments too; if you have any recommendations please let me know. I am always looking for new music to listen to. I have an awesome new addition to our New Girls category, VV Brown. I first discovered VV Brown in 2010 when I was thirteen and watched the TV Show Degrassi. I remember it was a promo video for their new season and they chose VV Brown’s song, Shark In The Water, as the music. I instantly fell in love with the song and became a fan of VV. Born in Northampton, England, VV (Vanessa) Brown is the eldest of six children from her mother, a Jamaican, and her father, a Puerto Rican. VV has always been a smart and musically talented woman since she was young. She played many instruments growing up including: violin, piano, and trumpet. When VV was going to college she had five offers to law schools but turned them all down for music. She also turned down five record label offers including P. Diddy’s record label Bad Boy Records so she could focus on her education. In 2006 VV released a single called Back In The Music with Polydor Record Label but left them after the release. Soon after she signed with Island Records in 2007 and released: Traveling Like The Light album in 2009. In 2011 she released a single called Children, which was supposed to be the first single off of an album called Lollipops and Politics. This album was originally planned to release in 2012 but was postponed for 2013 and then ultimately cancelled because she stated it “didn’t feel right as an artist.” Instead she released the albums Samson & Delilah (2013) and Glitch (2015). VV has not released any music lately, however, she writes children's books and writes for the Guardian.

Today I will be discussing the song Shark In The Water from the album Traveling Like The Light. This song is definitely one of my favorites for many reasons. 1. VV’s voice is AMAZING! She projects so much emotion, you can tell that this song comes from a heartbreaking time in her life . The song is about not feeling completely secure in a relationship when you think someone is cheating on you. VV’s lyrics are very playful and creative which is another reason. The chorus goes like: “Baby, there’s a shark in the water. There’s something underneath my bed. Oh please believe I said baby, there’s a shark in the water. I caught them barking at the moon better be soon.” VV suspects her partner is cheating on her, she knows that something is wrong in her relationship because she’s seen or heard them sneaking around at night. In the second verse:“High in the sky, the song that I’m singing. A sweet little lie, I cry wolf cry. Rabbit in the hat yeah, that’s what I’m bringing some tricks up my sleeves, for noticing me.” VV is going to get even, she knows she’s being cheated on but she’s going to make her partner look like a fool. How she’s able to say that all in such a unique way astounds me. The bridge and final chorus is definitely the climax of the song and the lyrics mirror this: “Right is right. Rules are rules. This is more like April Fools, I’m just winding you up. Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Please don’t make too much of it. It ain’t that serious.” To VV this has become a game with her partner sneaking around and her trying to catch them, but there’s no real winner.

I hope you check out this song because I think that it is an amazing piece of art. Let me know what you think!

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